Saturday, June 13, 2009


We received all the IVF medications yesterday as expected - all $3800 worth. I hadn't really thought about how I'd feel.... it was sort of a rush & now everything is really real! Little did the fedex delivery guy know he was giving me the key to our possible baby. ha ha. I quickly opened the box & we looked at everything. Very first thought - is it legal to have this many needles without a medical degree?! Second thought - boy do the needles look A LOT bigger than the ones we saw in training.. yikes!

I called & left message w/ Nancy - my amazing RE nurse - to confirm if anything needed to be refrigerated, lest that be the reason IVF fails. I went shopping during my lunch break and before I walked into the store she called me back. Told me to refrigerate the Gonal and advised she got both my pap smear results I faxed couple of days ago & the verification from lawyer that we signed Co Parenting Legal Conract on Wednesday. Sweet - almost all requriements have been met. Ugh - we still have to get Stark's blood test (to make sure he has no diseases) and submit the consent forms (which have to be signed by a 3rd party). I mentioned how I haven't gotten my period yet & it should have been at least a week or so ago. She asked if I could be pregnant which I said I doubt it since we've been using protection (at Dr. ML's suggestion due to risk of tubal pregnancy). She suggested I do a PT to make sure b/c stranger things have happened. Well, low & behold... I got my period while shopping! Oh and I just had to ask about percentage of IVF working the first time. She said I'd have to discuss statistics with Dr. ML, but my chances are good. That put a big smile on my face then thought ... "she probably says that to everyone".

Wait. OMG. My IVF protocol states I start the meds the second day of my cycle. Now what? Do we start our 1st IVF? We were assuming I'd get my period a couple of weeks ago & start in late June, early July. This timing is not planned nor really discussed. Called Stark - were both sort of "I dunno" when discussing starting the protocol. I decided to call Nancy & find out if we're even allowed to start it considering the blood test & consent forms are not completed. Holy moly - it's Friday & the office closes early so I get the answering service. Random nurse calls me back within 5 minutes (whew) & says they really have to have everything before proceeding; however, says we can go ahead & start if Stark comes in Monday for blood test & we bring consent forms to first suppression check. Hmmmmmm.... this is dizzying. We decide to wait until July. It's just too stressful & chaotic to start this time. Thankfully, we are both ok with this. Just breathe.

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